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Blue Shoes and Happiness (Ladies Detective Agency #7)

Author Alexander Smith

Format Hardcover

Publisher Pantheon

Category Mystery, Thriller and Spy Fiction

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There is considerable excitement at The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency. A cobra has been found in Precious Ramotswe's office. Then a nurse from a local clinic reveals that faulty blood-pressure readings are being recorded. And Botswana has a new advice columnist, Aunty Emang, whose advice is rather curt for Mma Ramotswe's taste. All this means a lot of work for our heroine and her assistant, Grace Makutsi. But there's trouble brewing in Mma Makutsi's own life. When Phuti Radiphuti misses their customary dinner date, she begins to wonder if he is having second thoughts about their engagement. And while Mma Makutsi may be able to buy that fashionably narrow (and uncomfortable) pair of blue shoes, it may not buy her the happiness that Mma Ramotswe promises her she'll find in the simpler things--in contentment with the world and enough tea to smooth over the occasional bumps in the road.--From publisher description.


Alexander Smith

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2006-04-18
  • Publisher: Pantheon
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9780375422720

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