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The Grace Outpouring: Blessing Others through Prayer


Author Roy Godwin

Format Paperback

Publisher David C. Cook

Category Prayer and Devotion

This captivating account of the spiritually unexpected unfolding on a Welsh hillside will challenge and encourage you. In keeping with God's pattern of using marginal people from obscure places - fishermen, tax collectors, children, women and Galileans - this story sees God intrude into the mundane rhythms of life in a Christian retreat centre, run by a couple who would have been forgiven for opting for a quiet life when they arrive in this quiet Welsh hamlet. God's intrusion has not only sparked the growth of a House of Prayer but also touched many lives with healing, repentance and encouragement. The tangible presence of God has released visions of Jesus, angelic messengers and a steady stream of non-believers seeking to understand the encounter with God that they experience as they venture near this converted farmhouse. A fresh perspective on evangelism emerges from this inspiring insight into how God might work in your community.


Roy Godwin

Additional Info

  • Publisher: David C. Cook
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781842914045
SKU Condition Store Shelf Price  
1851238 Good Warehouse 56-11-5 $6.49 Add to Cart