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Beginner's Tai Chi Chuan

Author Vincent Chu

Format Paperback

Publisher Unique Publications

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Tai chi chuan is known at the Supreme Ultimate art - it at once embraces Taoist philosophy, is a holistic health exercise and is an effective self defense art. No wonder millions of people practice tai chi on a daily basis, making it the world's most popular health and self-defense system. The tai chi presented in this book grew from the author's experience in teaching at community education programs and is written with the novice in mind. As such, the traditional Yang family long form has been abbreviated and those movements that beginners usually find difficult to perform have been removed - in this way, beginners will be able to learn faster and thus start obtaining the health benefits of practicing tai chi right away.


Vincent Chu

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Unique Publications
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781892515179

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