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From Hope to Higher Ground: 12 STEPS to Restoring America's Greatness

Author Mike Huckabee

Format Hardcover

Publisher Center Street

Category Political Commentary

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With the small but powerfullyinspiring word "hope,"nationally recognized leaderand policy-maker GovernorMike Huckabee points out thatprogress for our country cannothappen with the continuedbipartisan rift dividing it. Hetaps into the fundamental coreof every American, confronting matters closest at hand with thecall for a critical change in perspective and a clear plan of actionthat shows what we can become as a truly indivisible nation. Thegovernor presents 12 key things we need to STOP doing in orderto make America stronger, speaking out on immigration, the jobmarket, health care, education, and taxes, and provides practicalsolutions that could bring our nation to higher ground.


Mike Huckabee

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Center Street
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9781599957043

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