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Raven Rise (Pendragon #9)

Author MacHale

Format Paperback

Publisher Aladdin

Category Jr. Fiction

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This is where it begins. The showdown for Halla. At stake is nothing less than all that ever was and all that will be.There's only one thing missing--Bobby Pendragon.While Bobby remains trapped on Ibara, the battle moves to his home territory: Second Earth. Mark Dimond and Courtney Chetwynde are left on their own to defend Second Earth agsinst the forces of Saint Dane. They must face off against a charismatic cult leader who has risen to power by revealing a shattering truth to the people of Earth: They are not alone.The Convergence has broken down the walls. The territories are on a collision course. The final phase of Saint Dane's quest to rule Halla is under way.And Bobby Pendragon is nowhere to be found.



Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2009-12-22
  • Publisher: Aladdin
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781416914198

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