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The Essential Drucker

Author Peter Drucker

Format Paperback

Publisher HarperPB

Category Business

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Father of modern management, social commentator, and preeminent business philosopher, Peter F. Drucker has been analyzing economics and society for more than sixty years. Now for readers everywhere who are concerned with the ways that management practices and principles affect the performance of the organization, the individual, and society, there is The Essential Drucker -- an invaluable compilation of management essentials from the works of a management legend. Containing twenty-six selections, The Essential Drucker covers the basic principles and concerns of management and its problems, challenges, and opportunities, giving managers, executives, and professionals the tools to perform the tasks that the economy and society of tomorrow will demand of them.


Peter Drucker

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2003-07-29
  • Publisher: HarperPB
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780060935740

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