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Mary Engelbreit's Fan Fare Cookbook: 120 Family Favorite Recipes

Author Mary Engelbreit

Format Hardcover-spiral

Publisher Andrews McMeel Publishing

Category Cooking

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Mary Engelbreit's Fan Fare Cookbook collects 120 delicious recipes submitted by some of her most devoted fans and brings them to you all wrapped up in Mary's delightful original artwork.Prior to being included in Mary Engelbreit's Fan Fare Cookbook, these scrumptious recipes from Mary's fans underwent extensive testing and resulted in resounding approval by their families! Rest assured that these recipes offer easy, mouth-watering dishes for any occasion, including appetizers, breakfast foods, breads, soups, salads, side dishes, entrees, and desserts.Although Mary Engelbreit's Fan Fare Cookbook is a perfect addition to the cookbook shelf for anyone already a fan of Mary's warm and witty work, anyone who cooks or bakes will find this handy collection of family-favorite recipes to be an entertaining introduction to Mary's world.


Mary Engelbreit

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2010-06-08
  • Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing
  • Format: Hardcover-spiral
  • ISBN: 9780740779695

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