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A Matter of Justice (Inspector Ian Rutledge #11)

Author Charles Todd

Format Paperback

Publisher William Morrow Paperbacks

Category Mystery, Thriller and Spy Fiction

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At the start of a new century, in a war far away from England, two British soldiers see a golden opportunity . . . and do the unthinkable to take advantage of it. Twenty years later, a successful though much despised London businessman is found savagely and bizarrely murdered in a medieval tithe barn on his estate in Somerset. For Scotland Yard inspector Ian Rutledge, a man still shaken by the Great War's deafening echoes, the well-concealed trail he must now follow is leading back to an event so monumentally barbarous that its consequences envelop even the innocent. And when justice takes a malevolent turn, one haunted policeman must stand alone against the onrushing tide.


Charles Todd

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2009-12-08
  • Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780061233609

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