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Brown Like Coffee--Path Cover

Author Steve Shadrach

Format Paperback

Publisher The Bodybuilders Press

Category Christian Living

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If you are a student (or even faculty) you might just be encouraged, inspired, challenged or downright annoyed by reading Brown Like Coffee! But, it is definitely designed to stimulate (kind of like a caffeine jolt?) you to a closer relationship with Jesus Christ. Pick it up, give it a read, pass it onto someone else. "Our students loved that book. One guy stayed up til 3 in the morning because he wanted to read it in one sitting." --Jeff Graf, Director of the Navigators at South Dakota State I love Brown Like Coffee. It is a fun, inspiring, encouraging, easy-going, simple read - and it points absolutely to Jesus! I gave the 2nd copy away to a college student. --Lee Rushing, head of Backpack Evangelism


Steve Shadrach

Additional Info

  • Publisher: The Bodybuilders Press
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780615162027

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