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Pirate Mom (Step into Reading)

Author Deborah Underwood

Format Paperback

Publisher Random House Books for Young Readers

Category Easy Readers

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When a hypnotist convinces Pete's mother that she is a pirate, Pete tries to find a way to turn her back into a regular parent. Yo ho ho! Pete loves pirates, but his mom thinks they are rude and messy. Then Pete and his mom go to see the Amazing Marco, and Marco hypnotizes Pete's mom into thinking she's a pirate! Now Pete's mom won't behave. She chases the neighbors. She steals underwear off other people's clotheslines. She's even flying the Jolly Roger over the house. Pete has to find the Amazing Marco. He wants his real mom back!


Deborah Underwood

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2006-05-23
  • Publisher: Random House Books for Young Readers
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780375833236

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