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American Born Chinese

Author Gene Yang

Format Paperback

Publisher Square Fish

Category Kids Graphic Novels

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A tour-de-force by rising indy comics star Gene Yang, American Born Chinese tells the story of three apparently unrelated characters: Jin Wang, who moves to a new neighborhood with his family only to discover that he�s the only Chinese-American student at his new school; the powerful Monkey King, subject of one of the oldest and greatest Chinese fables; and Chin-Kee, a personification of the ultimate negative Chinese stereotype, who is ruining his cousin Danny�s life with his yearly visits. Their lives and stories come together with an unexpected twist in this action-packed modern fable. American Born Chinese is an amazing ride, all the way up to the astonishing climax.


Gene Yang

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2008-12-23
  • Publisher: Square Fish
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780312384487

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