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How Harry Cast His Spell: The Meaning Behind the Mania for J. K. Rowling's Bestselling Books


Author John Granger

Format Paperback

Publisher Tyndale Momentum

Category Literary Criticism

More than any other book of the last fifty years (and perhaps ever), the Harry Potter novels have captured the imagination of children and adults around the world. Yet no one has ever been able to unlock the secret of Harry's wild popularity . . . until now. Updated and expanded since its original publication as Looking for God in Harry Potter (and now containing final conclusions based on the entire series), How Harry Cast His Spell explains why the books meet our longing to experience the truths of life, love, and death; help us better understand life and our role in the universe; and encourage us to discover and develop our own gifts and abilities.


John Granger

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Tyndale Momentum
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781414321882
SKU Condition Store Shelf Price  
6083129 Very Good Fern Park 8-11-2 $7.99 Add to Cart