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The Grand Sweep (Daily Response Book): 365 Days From Genesis Through Revelation

Author Ellsworth Kalas

Format Paperback

Publisher Abingdon Press

Category Bible Study

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Read Scripture daily. Respond to Scripture daily. Pray daily.Study the whole Bible in a year with this spiral bound companion to the reading book, both to be used daily with the Bible.This Daily Response Book has 5 sections: Questions or directions for Days 1-7 each week call for written response to the assigned Scripture "Prayer Time" suggests a focus for daily and weekly praying and invites you to identify persons and concerns for prayer. "How the Drama Develops" summarizes the week's Scripture and situates it in the ongoing biblical story. "Seeing Life Through Scripture" invites you to view life through the lens of Scripture in order to draw guidance and insights for living. Think of yourself in conversation with Scripture. "The Sum of It All" in a verse or verses, sums up the week's Scripture. Over the course of fifty-two weeks, the verses become a synopsis of the biblical story.Congregations, study groups, and individuals can begin The Grand Sweep at any time during the year with this study. Allow at least 30 minutes daily when using this resouce.Components of the entire study:The Study Book Set (includes both books below)365 Days from Genesis Through Revelation (A Bible Study for Individuals and Groups)Daily Response BookSermon Ideas for 52 WeeksLeader's Guide for Group StudyAudiotapes of the contents of: 365 Days resource aboveFor another group study offered by Cokesbury, go to the Adult Bible Studies website.


Ellsworth Kalas

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Abingdon Press
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780687720637

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