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Living the Message: Daily Help For Living the God-Centered Life

Author Eugene Peterson

Format Paperback

Publisher HarperOne

Category Prayer and Devotion

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For more than 35 years, beloved author, professor, and pastor Eugene Peterson has used his expertise in the original language of the Bible and his passion for God's word to re�create the informal, earthy immediacy of Scripture in expressive, contemporary English. Just as the writers of the New Testament used everyday language to convey God's message to their readers and listeners, Peterson's conversational translations and graceful insights into Christian life speak powerfully to the concerns of today's men and women and offer timeless wisdom for every day of the year.


Eugene Peterson

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2007-09-25
  • Publisher: HarperOne
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780061240362

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