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The Green Teacher Book (7th Grade)

Author Diane Welch

Format Paperback

Publisher Common Sense Press (Melrose, FL)

Category Homeschooling - Elementary

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36 weekly lessons divided into easy-to-use daily plans. 3 Book Studies (listed in the order which they appear): The Star of Light by Patricia St. John Adam and His Kin by Ruth Beechick Much Ado About Nothing - Play by Shakespeare 4 Units: Everyday Words Poetry Unit Short Story Unit Research Unit Integrated language arts lessons including: grammar, spelling, higher-order thinking, and study skills. Teacher friendly, with little or no teacher preparation needed! Reviews Activities follow most lessons providing additional skill practice. Assessments help teachers to evaluate student's progress. Everyday Words: 12 week grammar unit comprised of dictation, sentence structure, and diagramming using classical literature for the middle school student. Units: The Poetry Unit encourages an appreciation while memorizing, reciting, and analyzing various poetry. Students compose poetry and a psalm. In the Short Story Unit, students will analyze the elements of a story, develop a plot line of a story, write dialogue and much more. Research is taught in an easy to follow step by step plan for student and teacher. Review Activities follow most lessons with Assessments to check progress. ** A good poetry book is recommended. Book Studies: Each book study contains a summary, vocabulary skills, reading comprehension, and exciting activities.


Diane Welch

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 1997-01-01
  • Publisher: Common Sense Press (Melrose, FL)
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781880892879

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