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Essential Elements for Strings 2000 - Book 1 - Double Bass (A Comprehensive String Method)

Author Robert Gillespie

Format Paperback

Publisher Hal Leonard

Category Sheet Music - Strings

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Now the best-selling band method is even better! The same great method that directors have come to trust now includes a CD AND a DVD. Features include: * BOOK: Same great Essential Elements 2000 method! * CD/CD-ROM FEATURES: Play-Along Tracks 1-71 (with a professional player for every instrument) * DVD FEATURES: Startup Video (learn the basics - 15 min.); ALL 193 Play-Along Tracks; More Duets and Trios; Music Listening Library * CD AND DVD EACH FEATURE: SmartMusic Software (practice, record, and e-mail a performance, plus on-screen assessment - includes Ex. 1-86 with special offer to continue); Finale NotePad Software; Tempo Adjustment Software (for Play-Along Tracks)


Robert Gillespie

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Hal Leonard
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780634038204

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