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Writing Movies: The Practical Guide to Creating Stellar Screenplays

Author Gotham Workshop

Format Paperback

Publisher Bloomsbury USA

Category Film Culture and History

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To break into the screenwriting game, you need a screenplay that is not just good, but great. Superlative. Stellar. Writing Movies provides everything you need to know to reach this level. In a single book. And, like the very best teachers, Writing Movies is always practical, accessible, and entertaining. Inside you�ll find: Explanations of the fundamental elements of screenwriting craft (plot, character, scenes, etc.); insight into such crucial (but seldom discussed) topics as description, voice, tone, and theme; analysis of five brilliant screenplays�Die Hard, Thelma & Louise, Tootsie, Sideways, and The Shawshank Redemption; strategies for breaking into the business; a guide to screenwriting format; assignments that strengthen your command of screenwriting craft; step-by-step tasks that take you from rough idea to polished script; and tie-ins to supplementary material at the book�s website. Written by Gotham Writers� Workshop expert instructors and edited by Dean of Faculty Alexander Steele, Writing Movies offers the same methods and exercises that have earned the school international acclaim.


Gotham Workshop

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2006-09-19
  • Publisher: Bloomsbury USA
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781596911451

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