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Your Marketing Sucks


Author Mark Stevens

Format Paperback

Publisher Crown Business

Category Marketing and Sales

� Stop throwing thousand-dollar bills out the window and camouflaging spending as marketing�demand that the money spent on marketing bring in more money in return.� Cut through the myths that claim marketing is about advertising, public relations, or direct mail�learn that it is about growing the revenue, profit, and valuation of the business.� Fire your advertising agency if it even thinks about applying for a Clio or other creative award.� Implement the marketing moratorium�stop all marketing until you know how each component of your program justifies itself in dollars and cents.


Mark Stevens

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2005-04-26
  • Publisher: Crown Business
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781400081691
SKU Condition Store Shelf Price  
3716612 Very Good Fern Park 52-12-7 $6.99 Add to Cart