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The Dark Side of the Light Chasers

Author Deborah Ford

Format Paperback

Publisher Riverhead Trade

Category Psychology

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In this enlightening guide, Debbie Ford explains that the dark side of our personality should not be hidden. By denying our dark side, we reject these aspects of our true natures rather than giving ourselves the freedom to live authentically. Here she shows that it is possible to acknowledge and accept our so-called weaknesses, proving that these qualities may be important, hidden strengths. For example, perhaps some 'selfishness' can save us from exhaustion and resentment. Full of illuminating stories and practical exercises, Debbie Ford shows us how to reconcile our darker impulses and find the gifts they offer. Your life will be transformed when you unconceal, own, and embrace your shadow.


Deborah Ford

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2010-11-02
  • Publisher: Riverhead Trade
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781594485251

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