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The Driver's Guide to Hitting Pedestrians

Author Andersen Prunty

Format Paperback

Publisher Lazy Fascist Press

Category Fun Facts

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A pocket guide to the twenty-three most painful things in life, written by the most well-adjusted man in the universe.Does it make you sad to be alive?Boo-hoo. You're living all wrong.My name is Andersen Prunty. I'm happiest while napping. I am a man with tennis shoes. They get older every time I put them on. This is how I deal with the pain of being alive. Now is our chance to deal with our pain together. You'll thank me later.Lover and euphoria,Andersen :)


Andersen Prunty

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Lazy Fascist Press
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781936383795

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