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American Islam: The Struggle for the Soul of a Religion

Author Paul Barrett

Format Paperback

Publisher Picador

Category Islam

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"There are as many as six million Muslims in the United States today. Islam (together with Christianity and Judaism) is now an American faith, and the challenges Muslims face as they reconcile their intense and demanding faith with our chaotic and permissive society are recognizable to all of us. This book takes readers into Muslim homes, mosques, and private gatherings to introduce a population of striking variety. An intricate mixture of ideologies and cultures, American Muslims include immigrants and native born, black and white converts, those who are well integrated into the larger society and those who are alienated and extreme in their political views. Even as many American Muslims succeed in material terms and enrich our society, Islam is enmeshed in controversy in the United States, as thousands of American Muslims have been investigated and interrogated in the wake of 9/11.--From publisher description."--From source other than the Library of Congress. Includes information on Khaled Abou El Fadl, Afghanistan, African-Americans, al Qaeda, anti-Semitism, Arab-Americans, Arabs, Osama bin Laden, George W. Bush, Chechnya, Christians, Democratic Party, Egypt, Egyptian Americans, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), fundamentalism, Hamas, Hinduism, Sami Omar al Hussayen, University of Idaho, immigrant Arabs and Muslims, India, Indian Americans, Iran, Iraq, Islamic Assembly of North America, Israel, Jusus, Jews, Mohammad Hisham Kabbani, Abdul Kabir Krambo, Lebanon, Lebanese Americans, Kim Lindquist, Mecca, Medina, Prophet Muhammad, New York City, Asra Nomani, Pakistan Pakistani-Americans, Palestinians, Quran, Saudi Arabia, September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, Shiites, Osama Siblani, Sufism, terrorism, Turkey, Wahhabism, Siraj Wahhaj, etc.


Paul Barrett

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2007-12-26
  • Publisher: Picador
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780312427450

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