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True and False: Heresy and Common Sense for the Actor

Author David Mamet

Format Paperback

Publisher Vintage

Category Acting and Theater

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The Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright, director, and teacher gives us a blunt, irreverent, unsparingly honest guide to acting that overturns conventional truths and tells aspiring actors what they really need to know. David Mamet leaves no acting tenet untouched: How to judge the role, approach the part, work with the playwright. How to concentrate and think about the scene. How to avoid becoming the Paint-by-Numbers Mechanical Actor, the "How'm I Doing?" Ham Actor, the over-the-top "Hollywood Huff" Actor. The right way to undertake auditions and rehearsals. The proper approach to agents, to individual jobs, and to the business in general. The question of talent.


David Mamet

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 1999-02-22
  • Publisher: Vintage
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780679772644

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