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The Expectant Father: Facts, Tips, and Advice for Dads-to-Be (New Father Series)

Author Armin Brott

Format Paperback

Publisher Abbeville Press

Category Pregnancy

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This indispensable book explores the emotional, financial, and even physical changes the father-to-be may experience during his partner�s pregnancy. Written in an easy-to-absorb format and filled with sound advice and practical tips for men on such topics as, how to make sense of your conflicting emotions, how pregnancy affects your sex life, and how to start a college fund. This volume reassures, commiserates, and informs. It also incorporates the wisdom of top experts in the field, from obstetricians and birth-class instructors to psychologists and sociologists.This new edition features the latest research on many topics (and there�s a ton of it), from expanding sections on overcoming infertility, in vitro, artificial insemination, and other tech-assisted pregnancies, especially where dad is not the biological parent, to updating the sections on childbirth to reflect the fact that about 80 percent of deliveries are now done with epidurals and new information on c-sections as well. Sections on prenatal communication and education are also be expanded. There will be an overall, top-to-bottom review of the content to make sure all the information is relevant to today's young and senior dads.


Armin Brott

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Abbeville Press
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780789210777

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