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The Greenleaf Guide To Old Testament History

Author Rob Shearer

Format Paperback

Publisher Greenleaf Press

Category Kids Christian

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This book outlines a reading program which will take you through the history of Israel by reading through the historical books from Genesis to Nehemiah chronologically. Old Testament history is divided into 196 Bible readings (approximately 1 chapter each) along with some suggestions of how to cover the material and keep it interesting. For each reading there are a series of questions to help you focus on the significant details. There are also a number of background notes and some suggestions for further study. This book won't answer all your questions, but it will give you a well-thought out program of reading and studying the history of Israel. It is intended as a first history course for the early elementary grades (though many parents are using it with high school students) - background for the study of Egypt and other ancient cultures in the Greenleaf history series.


Rob Shearer

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Greenleaf Press
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781882514120

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