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Angelina and the Princess (Angelina Ballerina)

Author Katharine Holabird

Format Hardcover

Publisher Viking Books for Young Readers

Category Kids Picture

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Available for the first time from Viking, Angelina and the Princess and Angelina on Stage are two beloved Angelina Ballerina stories. In Angelina and the Princess, Angelina hopes to dance the starring role, but instead is cast in a tiny part. She is so disappointed that she wants to quit ballet. Eventually, though, she decides to work hard for her friends in the performance. Angelina's decision leads to an unexpected turn of events--and a happy ending for everyone. In Angelina on Stage, Angelina has a part in a grown-ups' ballet, and so does her cousin Henry. But Angelina's excitement turns to jealousy during rehearsals when Henry becomes the favorite. Will Angelina and Henry still be friends after the performance?


Katharine Holabird

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2006-01-19
  • Publisher: Viking Books for Young Readers
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9780670060856

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