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Tracks in the Psychic Wilderness: An Exploration of Remote Viewing, ESP, Precognitive Dreaming, and Synchronicity


Author Dale Graff

Format Hardcover

Publisher Element Books Ltd

Category Strange Occurences

For twenty years, the United States government employed a team of remote viewers, or psychic seers, to investigate potential threats to the safety of the nation. This program, called STARGATE, was terminated, and was subsequently the topic of a 1995 Nightline expose. Now in paperback, Tracks in the Psychic Wilderness, is the story of Dale E. Graff, the project's former director. Explaining how STARGATE investigators used ESP, remote viewing, precognitive dreaming, and synchronicity to rescue American hostages, and locate missile targets, Tracks in the Psychic Wilderness is Graff's personal account of a fascinating, top-secret government project. STARGATE's team of psychics was used to assist drug enforcement agencies, locate plutonium in Korea, and track down Momar Gadhafi. The Pentagon spent over $20 million dollars of taxpayers' money on this program. Told in Graff's own words, Tracks in the Psychic Wilderness is a must for those determined to learn the true role of parapsychological phenomenon in national security.


Dale Graff

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Element Books Ltd
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9781862042032
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3310694 Very Good Warehouse 57-6-5 $7.99 Add to Cart