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Daily Dose of Knowledge: Bible

Author David Howard

Format Hardcover

Publisher West Side Publishing

Category Bible Reference

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Daily Dose of Knowledge: Bible helps you start every day with a fascinating exploration of the Bible. The book includes 365 inspiring one-page articles that delve into everything from the Ark of the Covenant to the Dead Sea Scrolls. The articles are grouped into 52 weeks, with each day of the week dedicated to a particular subject area: On Mondays, explore the events of the Old Testament, such as the Creation and the Babylonian Captivity of the Jews. On Tuesdays, delve into the lives of Old Testament figures, including Abraham, Moses, Ruth, and David. On Wednesdays, learn about New Testament events, including the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles. On Thursdays, read profiles of New Testament figures, including Mary, Peter, Mary Magdalene, and Paul. On Fridays, immerse yourself in detailed information on the books of the Bible, including issues of authorship, theme, and purpose. On Saturdays, enjoy a grab-bag of articles covering a variety of topics. On Sundays, follow the life of Jesus, including his ministries, his healing, and his teachings. Whether you re a devoted student of Scripture or are simply curious, Daily Dose of Knowledge: Bible makes it easy to gain a deeper understanding of the Bible.


David Howard

Additional Info

  • Publisher: West Side Publishing
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9781412715416

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