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Philadelphia Experiment

Author William Moore

Format Mass Market Paperback

Publisher Fawcett

Category Strange Occurences

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One day in 1943, at the Philadelphia Navy Yard, something happened . . . Suddenly the U.S.S. Eldridge, a fully manned destroyer escort, vanished into a green fog, within seconds appeared in Norfolk, Virginia, and then reappeared in Philadelphia!For over thirty-six years officials have denied this, have denied any experimentation to render matter invisible -- have denied the reality of THE PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT.If so, why --* were all the men aboard ship who survived discharged as mentally unfit?* did a scientific researcher on the project meet a mysterious death?* were identities hidden, documents lost, and amazing connections between UFO sightings and events in the Bermuda Triangle denied?THE PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT -- the first full-length documented report on a chilling unsolved mystery that's been discussed for years. Now, official documents and first-hand stories have been revealed. Here is the truth in a report so shattering it is difficult to believe it's NOT fiction.


William Moore

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 1987-04-12
  • Publisher: Fawcett
  • Format: Mass Market Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780449214718

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