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The Healing Power Of Hado

Author Toyoko Matsuzaki

Format Paperback

Publisher Atria Books/Beyond Words

Category Religious Studies

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In The Healing Power of Hado, Toyoko Matsuzaki shares stories of her experiences as a hado master and demystifies this form of energy and healing for readers. She defines hado as it relates to one's everyday life, shares her own story of how she became a hado master, and explains how readers can access this unique source of power. By tapping into their hado power, beginners can sense the hado of other people, objects, and environments. At a more advanced level, practitioners of this art can change physical aspects of their lives (for example, turn aggression into gentleness and change the taste of water). Those who practice hado at the master level can heal physical ailments of their own and others (hands-on or remotely), discover their clairvoyant abilities, and even receive messages from departed loved ones. In a world filled with violence and conflict, hado is an especially important and welcome force. Hado lessons and guidelines for forming a support group for continued practice are included.


Toyoko Matsuzaki

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2005-04-28
  • Publisher: Atria Books/Beyond Words
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781582701240

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