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American Girl - McKenna, Ready to Fly! Paperback Book

Author Mary Casanova

Format Paperback

Publisher American Girl

Category American Girls

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McKenna's cast is coming off soon, but she still has to get through tryouts for the Shooting Star competitive gymnastics team. She's finally doing better in school, thanks to Josie's tutoring. When Josie needs help facing her fear of horseback riding, McKenna wants to be there for her friend. Only that causes trouble with her gymnastics teammate Toulane, who seems jealous when McKenna spends time with Josie. McKenna desperately wants to be true to both of them. But how can McKenna cheer for Josie at the riding center, support Toulane at the gym, and work toward her own goal of making the competitive team?


Mary Casanova

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2011-12-27
  • Publisher: American Girl
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781593699956

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