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How to Think Like A Horse: The Essential Handbook for Understanding Why Horses Do What They Do

Author Cherry Hill

Format Paperback

Publisher Storey Publishing, LLC

Category Horses

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Ask someone who works with horses how best to communicate with a balky colt and she will tell you that horses do not respond to human cajoling. To be successful the human must understand and work with, not against, the horse�s instincts, needs, and fears. When a trainer resorts to human teaching methods � reasoning, begging, bribing, even hugging and kissing � the horse will become confused and unable to respond appropriately. But if horses are treated respectfully with methods they understand, everyone involved � animal and human � will be happier, safer, and more productive. Horse trainer and instructor Cherry Hill believes that every human/horse relationship benefits from a greater human understanding of what motivates horses, how they experience the world, what makes them happy, and what worries them. Journey through the equine mind with Hill as she explores all that makes a horse tick. How do his basic needs dictate his behavior and mood? What touches and tastes appeal to his senses? How does his �flight or fight� instinct dictate his response to sudden movements? Hill offers interactive experiments � fun for both horse and human � that bear out her findings on horse behavior. And her final chapter presents simple training methods that draw from the insights and information presented throughout the book.


Cherry Hill

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Storey Publishing, LLC
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781580178358

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