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The Last Treasure

Author Janet Anderson

Format Paperback

Publisher Scholastic Book Services

Category Jr. Fiction

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Thirteen year old Ellsworth Smith belongs to a family of two--it's just he and his dad, always on the move. This is okay with Ellsworth until the dreams come, the dreams of houses surrounding a beautiful green square. Then a letter arrives, inviting Ellsworth to a home he oesn't remember: the Square in Smiths Mills, New York. He is needed there because hidden within the old houses is a treasure that only a child can uncover--the last treasure of John Matthew Smith, the family's eccentric patriarch But there are other things hidden in the Square, too, old secrets and sorrows. Ellsworth's return stirs up these "ghosts," and finding the treasure may be the only way to give them rest.


Janet Anderson

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2005
  • Publisher: Scholastic Book Services
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780439707848

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