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Ramage & the Dido (Series Starter, Lord Ramage #18)

Author Dudley Pope

Format Paperback

Publisher McBooks Press

Category Fiction (Literary & Historical)

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Captain Lord Ramage has only just arrived home when he receives new orders: he is to commission and take command of the Dido, a massive seventy-four-gun ship! The youngest captain of a ship of the line since Nelson, Ramage?s new command carries enough weight of metal to destroy a frigate in a single broadside, or sweep a ship?s decks clear of men. Accompanied by the courageous crew of the Calypso, Ramage ventures to sea once again?this time bound for the West Indies, and Martenique, where he once captured Diamond Rock. Not only must he face the challenges of commanding such a massive weapon of war, but if he is to succeed, he must put the Dido?s weapons to their fullest use?or die trying!


Dudley Pope

Additional Info

  • Publisher: McBooks Press
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781590130247

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