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Author Wayland Drew

Format Mass Market Paperback

Publisher Ballantine Del Rey

Category Science Fiction and Fantasy Mass Market

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Vermithrax, the last of dragonkind, swooped down over the kingdom of Urland, let loose a torrent of flames, and reduced everything to smoldering ash. Then, finding the newly blackened wasteland much to its liking, it settled in for a long stay.Desperate, the villagers finally sought the help of Ulrich, the last living sorcerer. But Ulrich was too old, too feeble. That left only his apprentice, Galen, to go against the might and terror of the deadly dragon. Of the use of weapons he knew nothing. Of the Old Magic he knew very little. But he was sworn to defeat Vermithrax -- one way or the other."A fantasy . . . with an eloquence and humor that raises it above the average . . . Highly recommended." -- Library Journal


Wayland Drew

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 1981-05-12
  • Publisher: Ballantine Del Rey
  • Format: Mass Market Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780345296948

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