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The Pied Piper (Boldt & Matthews #5)

Author Ridley Pearson

Format Hardcover

Publisher Hyperion

Category Mystery, Thriller and Spy Fiction

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The press is calling him the Pied Piper because infants have disappeared from San Diego to Seattle with only a penny flute left in the crib. With all signs pointing to a black market adoption agency, Boldt and Matthews must break the brilliantly conceived network of abductions that has shattered lives and terrorized communities. With few leads and no witnesses, Boldt and Matthews must battle not only the overwhelming odds, but the involvement of federal law enforcement driven by a news-hungry press and nervous politicians. The more deeply they probe the more elusive the truth seems - evidence is being stalled, paperwork misplaced, witnesses overlooked. Why, when so much is at stake?


Ridley Pearson

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Hyperion
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9780786863006

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