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Understanding Children's Drawings

Author Malchiodi Atr-bc

Format Paperback

Publisher The Guilford Press

Category Psychology

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This practical resource demonstrates how all clinicians can broaden and enhance their work with children by integrating drawing into therapy. The book enables therapists to address the multidimensional aspects of children's art without resorting to simplistic explanations. Approaching drawing as a springboard for communication and change, Malchiodi offers a wealth of guidelines for understanding the intricate messages embedded in children's drawings and in the art-making process itself. Topics covered include how to assist children in making art, what questions to ask and when, and how to motivate children who are initially resistant to drawing. Assimilating extensive research and clinical experience, the book includes over 100 examples of children's work.


Malchiodi Atr-bc, Cathy A.

Additional Info

  • Publisher: The Guilford Press
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781572303720

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