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Greyfriars Bobby (Penguin Popular Classics)

Author Eleanor Atkinson

Format Paperback

Publisher Penguin Classics

Category Classic Fiction

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When the time-gun boomed from Edinburgh Castle, Bobby gave a startled yelp. He was only a little country dog - the very youngest and smallest and shaggiest of Skye terriers-bred on a heathery slope of the Pentland hills, where the loudest sound was the bark of a collie or the tinkle of a sheep-bell. That morning he had come to the weekly market with Auld Jock, a farm laborer, and the Grassmarket of the Scottish capital lay in the narrow valley at the southern base of Castle Crag.


Eleanor Atkinson

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Penguin Classics
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780140622010

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