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Conquering ANY Disease (book)


Author Jeff Primack

Format Hardcover

Publisher Press on Qi Productions

Category Alternative Health

A powerful dynamic presentation into the power of Food Healing. Someday... the medical system will know the micronized 3 horsepower blended smoothie (yummy) to be the greatest source of natural healing on Earth! Until that day comes, give your body what it craves: A High-Phytochemical Diet!Includes time-proven "Specific" food healing guidelines for helping the body naturally reverse Cancer and Tumors, All forms of Heart Disease, Diabetes Type 1 & 2, and Autism!! Also provides the keys for: Allergy, Anemia, Arthritis, Asthma, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Poor Blood Circulation, Chronic Fatigue-Fibromyalgia, Colds, Coughs, Flu Virus, Constipation & Digestive, Depression, Eye Diseases & Poor Vision, Infertility, Insomnia, Kidney Stones, Liver Diseases, Menopause, Migraines, Osteoporosis, Prostate Disorders, Sexual Problems, Thyroid Problems & Weight loss.Most importantly this way of eating is "realistic" and will keep you healthy for a lifetime! To say this program is revolutionary is an understatement. People who have studied nutrition for over 20 years are blown away by the specific nature of these protocols and their effectiveness. Everyone who likes eating needs to read this book!


Jeff Primack

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Press on Qi Productions
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9780981879710
SKU Condition Store Shelf Price  
2446438 Very Good Fern Park 45-0-1 $24.99 Add to Cart