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Classic Drucker: Wisdom from Peter Drucker from the Pages of Harvard Business Review

Author Peter Drucker

Format Hardcover

Publisher Harvard Business Review Press

Category Management

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This book gathers together Peter Drucker's articles from Harvard Business Review and frames them with a thoughtful introduction from the Review's Editor Tom Stewart One of this century's most highly regarded students of management, Drucker has sought out, identified, and examined the most important issues confronting managers, from corporate strategy to management style to social change. Through his unique lens, this volume gives us the rare opportunity to trace the evolution of the great shifts in our workplaces, and to understand more clearly the role of managers. This book gathers together Drucker's articles from Harvard Business Review and frames them with a thoughtful introduction from the review's editor Thomas A. Stewart.


Peter Drucker

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9781422101681

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