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Assessing and Treating Trauma and PTSD

Author Linda Schupp

Format Paperback

Publisher PESI

Category Addictions and Recovery

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Trauma, by nature, characterizes itself as an extreme psychological wounding that produces a sense of fear, horror, or helplessness. Its presence is revealed in both the public and private arenas of life. Terrorism, murders, bombings, shootings, war, natural disasters, and other shocking events are publicly displayed on television, in newspapers, and other forms of media. Some trauma erupts behind closed doors and it�s insidious effects are evidenced in domestic violence or physical and sexual child abuse. The secrecy of such traumatic relationships can cause these crimes to remain undetected, unpunished, and untreated. Is trauma a widespread phenomenon or a rare occurrence in the general population? Studies indicate that between 70-90% of people will either witness, experience, or be exposed to a trauma sometime during their lifetime. The pervasiveness of trauma propels the diverse groups of health care professionals to keep abreast of the most current contributions to the field of traumatology. This reader-friendly book explores the nature of traumatic stress and provides assessment tools for the various trauma-related criteria. In addition, Dr. Schupp has extracted the most relevant trauma-related techniques from a diverse realm of theoretical orientations. This collection of physiological and psychological techniques provides professionals and lay counselors with a practical eclectic approach to a variety of treatments. This book is a "must" for those whose time is limited, yet need the most current information on techniques for traumatic stress.


Linda Schupp

Additional Info

  • Publisher: PESI
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780972214766

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