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Mercy Watson: Something Wonky this Way Comes

Author Kate DiCamillo

Format Paperback

Publisher Candlewick

Category Jr. Series

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"Youngsters are sure to delight in the exploits of this butter-loving pig, savoring the �wonky in the extreme� text and energetic, innocent art." -School Library JournalSome may find it wonky to take a pig to the drive-in. But not the Watsons, who think the movie�s title, When Pigs Fly, is inspirational. And not their beloved Mercy, who is inspired by the scent of real butter from the theater�s Bottomless Buckets of popcorn. As they pull up in their convertible, Mercy lifts up her snout and becomes a pig on a mission, leading a delirious chase that�s trailed by hapless rescuers reunited from Mercy�s earlier adventures.


Kate DiCamillo

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2011-02-08
  • Publisher: Candlewick
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780763652326

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