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Eat For Health

Author Joel Fuhrman

Format Paperback

Publisher Gift of Health Press

Category Health

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Dr. Fuhrman's scientifically proven system enables you to finally conquer your cravings and food addictions, while steering your taste buds toward healthier food choices. But be aware of the side effects....you may experience reversal of diseases such as heart disease, headaches, allergies, high blood pressure and diabetes, and you will feel better than ever before! This book includes Dr. Fuhrman's ANDI food scoring system, with three phases of meal plans and 150 fantastic recipes. Start where you are comfortable and progress at your own pace or jump right into phase three to maximize weight loss and optimize the therapeutic effects for disease reversal.


Joel Fuhrman

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Gift of Health Press
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780983795223

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