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Star Wars Jesus - A spiritual commentary on the reality of the Force

Author Caleb Grimes

Format Paperback

Publisher WinePress Publishing

Category Christian Living

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Celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Star Wars with this fascinating book! Star Wars Jesus deftly blends spiritual commentary with cinematic imagery to reveal Jesus to all those who love this series. The result is a refreshingly new vision of both the movie series and faith. Written in 101 entries that chronologically follow the movies, this book is well suited to short reads from the coffee table. Praise for Star Wars Jesus Caleb Grimes has produced a sort of Christian commentary, poignantly and lovingly composedThere is a graceful, gentle tone to the book, which captures the pathos and childlike spirit of the movies and the myth. This is a sweet book for fans and also for all hopers in the triumph of love. Paul F.M. Zahl, DeanPresident Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry, Ambridge, PA


Caleb Grimes

Additional Info

  • Release Date: 2006-12-16
  • Publisher: WinePress Publishing
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781579218843

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