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Secret Agent Jack Stalwart: Book 3: The Mystery of the Mona Lisa: France

Author Elizabeth Hunt

Format Paperback

Publisher Weinstein Books

Category Jr. Series

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In this action-packed series, nine-year old secret agent Jack Stalwarttravels the globe in search of his missing older brother Max while solvinginternational crimes for the Global Protection Force. In The Mystery of theMona Lisa, Jack is sent to the Louvre Museum in Paris to track down thetheft of the world's most be-loved painting. He has to match wits with aseemingly invisible mastermind equipped with gadgets to match his in orderto stop Leonardo's masterpiece from slipping into the criminal undergroundforever.Can Jack's Hypo-Disk overpower a glove that shoots fine laserbeams from its fingertips?Jack's adventures in the City of Lights (GPFcode name: Cheese) demon-strate once again that when it comes tooutsmarting the baddies--Jack is the go-to agent with endless tricks up hissleeve. Canny and resourceful, Jack will delight readers and impress theirparents.


Elizabeth Hunt

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Weinstein Books
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781602860018

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