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The Atonement Child

Author Francine Rivers

Format Paperback

Publisher Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.

Category Christian Fiction

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Dynah Carey knew where her life was headed. Engaged to a wonderful man, the daughter of doting parents, a faithful child of God, she has it all. Then the unthinkable happens: Dynah�s perfect life is irrevocably changed by a rape that results in an unwanted pregnancy. Her family is torn apart and her seemingly rock-solid faith is pushed to the limits as she faces the most momentous choice of her life: to embrace or to end the life within her. This is ultimately a tale of three women, as Dynah�s plight forces both her mother and her grandmother to face the choices they made. Written with balance and compassion, The Atonement Child brings a new perspective to the most controversial topic of our times.


Francine Rivers

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781414370644

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