Today s college students are in the midst ofa seismic shift. They are balancing dramaticchanges in their own lives while dealing withuncertainties in a world around them. In aculture that is no longer predominantlyChristian, college ministry workers can nolonger assume the students on their campuseshave a basic understanding of Christ or hisChurch.In College Ministry in a Post-Christian Culture,Stephen Lutz translates missional theology tothe practice of college ministry ministry as aproactive movement that is constantlyadapting to its ever-changing environment. Thisresource will equip college ministry staff,pastors, churches, and student leaders tominister effectively to today s college studentswith both depth and practical insight.Lutz walks you through the approaches neededto establish, grow and maintain a missionalcollege ministry.
Stephen Lutz
Additional Info
- Publisher: The House Studio
- Format: Paperback
- ISBN: 9780834127654
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