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A Way Through the Sea (The Young Underground #1) (Book 1)

Author Robert Elmer

Format Paperback

Publisher Bethany House Publishers

Category Jr. Fiction Christian

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On A Black Night In Denmark, Evil Prowled The Streets . For eleven-year-old Peter Andersen and his twin sister Elise, living in the city of Helsingor, Denmark during World War II means German soldiers in the streets, German patrol boats in the harbor, and German fighter planes in the sky. Everyone is nervous, especially their Jewish friend Henrik and his parents. Before the invasion, no one in Denmark cared whether a person was Jewish. Now the Nazis are secretly rounding up all of the Jews who live in Denmark and sending them to prison camps in Germany. Suddenly, Henrik and his family must escape! Sweden offers the only place of refuge, but with soldiers lurking the streets and Nazi boats patrolling the sea, only a miracle can get the Jews to safety!


Robert Elmer

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Bethany House Publishers
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781556613746

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