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Donor-Centered Fundraising

Author Penelope Burk

Format Paperback

Publisher Burk & Associates Ltd.

Category Money Management

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In this thought-provoking book, author, researcher, and consultant Penelope Burk describes a groundbreaking methodology that challenges accepted fundraising practice and raises much more money. Working from research conducted over six years with hundreds of charities and donors, Donor-Centered Fundraising paints a candid picture of why donors stop giving to charities they once supported, and what it will take to preserve their loyalty in the future. In clear language and backed by statistical evidence, Penelope Burk explores the pitfalls of our traditional approaches to donor communication and recognition and articulates what donors want but seldom get from the charities they support. The book features straightforward and accessible calculations that show how much money charities are failing to raise, and offers a step-by-step procedure for testing a donor-centered alternative and gaining its acceptance in any organization. Filled with eye-opening, humorous, and often poignant anecdotes from both donors and charities, Donor-Centered Fundraising is both a revealing expose and an entertaining read. This book is written for fundraisers, executive directors, communications staff, board members, and any staff or volunteers who interact with donors or deal with the financial support of charitable organizations. Donor-Centered Fundraising sets a new standard for success and establishes itself as the essential fundraising methodology for the times.


Penelope Burk

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Burk & Associates Ltd.
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780968797815

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