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Yesterday's Son (Series Starter, Star Trek #11)

Author Crispin

Format Paperback

Publisher Star Trek

Category Science Fiction and Fantasy Mass Market

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With the help of the Vulcan leader T'Pau, Spock gets permission to use the Guardian of Forever, a portal through time constructed by a long-vanished race, to venture into the past. On another trip into history, on the planet Sarpeidon, Spock had loved a woman who could not return with him to the future, and now Spock wishes to see the son she bore him, 5,000 years earlier. But a Romulan attack on the Guardian's planet could interfere, unless the EnterpriseTM can keep the Guardian out of their hands.



Additional Info

  • Publisher: Star Trek
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780671661106

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