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Contentment: A Godly Woman's Adornment (On-The-Go Devotionals)

Author Lydia Brownback

Format Paperback

Publisher Crossway

Category Prayer and Devotion

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This On-the-Go Devotional assures women that contentment is not some fleeting ideal but a reality that God enables them to live out daily. Any woman who buys into the lie of �You can have it all� or who thinks she can only be happy �if�� experiences an abiding frustration: what she wants remains just out of reach, always. No matter how good she has it, no matter how good the good times may get, there�s always something missing. And ultimately, she misses out on happiness too. But God desires something far better and more lasting for his daughters. And he�s delivered the secret in his Word, assuring women that real satisfaction is found in living for and longing for the right things. Those truths and promises are at the heart of this On-the-Go Devotional for women. Each lesson in Contentment is conveniently self-contained and comes complete with Scripture and a paragraph or two of teaching to direct women away from fleeting distractions and toward a true, enduring satisfaction. On-the-Go Devotionals �Skillful devotionals for those who face the challenge to �fit it all in.� Biblically rigorous and deeply perceptive. Godly insights from a godly sister.� Elyse Fitzpatrick, author of Because He Loves Me: How Christ Transforms Our Daily Life �A ready resource for keeping our thinking focused on God himself. The devotionals helped me understand my fear or discontent and our Heavenly Father�s provision.� Barbara Hughes, author of Disciplines of a Godly Woman and, with her husband, Disciplines of a Godly Family �Lydia Brownback calls Christian women to lift their eyes upward and find security, rest, and peace in a sovereign God whose promises never fail!� Nancy Leigh DeMoss, author and Revive Our Hearts radio host


Lydia Brownback

Additional Info

  • Publisher: Crossway
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781581349580

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